Monday, December 18, 2006


oh man yesterday was a good day! i hung out with the fam and had a nice first full day of break (friday i had to move stuff out of the dorm room so i am not goint to count that) later on in the day i hung out with the beautiful erik anderson and we made some fun/happy time plans for tuesday (tomorrow) weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
i was going to call sarah peters today to hang out but then i was a dumb butt and didnt! but i am going to have to make sure to call her some time soon!
the other day mom and dad told us that we are going to be going to chicago on thursday! yeeeehawww! and we are goign to stay in a hotel downtown chicago and go shopping and have lots of fun! weee! and i am going to take tons of picutres because that is what i dooooo! yus!
so our house is a christmas land...i just had to add that

ok! photo stuff of the day! ok today is Jerry Uelsmann. he would use many negatives to create a very surreal sort of image! he would work with many enlargers to create a single print and is one or my favorite artists!!!! for more information and images on and about jerry uelsmann go to the MOCP page and also Jerry Uelsmann's web site!
weee! fun fact! the one that is of the inside of a building is mine! i made it with uelsmann in mind! yay! ok i am quite sleepy so goodnight!

Saturday, December 09, 2006
"Im sorry for wanting to be..." - Me

yes thats right! this was a shitty semester and there is no one to blame but the rivalry between myself and ISU. I want to be an artist and ISU wants me to be a multitasking number. i go to classes that i dont give a shit about because the general education program thinks that its worker ants need to spend their college carreers putting 75% of their time and effort into a gen ed program (much like the way a high school system is set up) and around 25% to what you love, and thats impossible when you are an art major because of studio time (yeah you dont know anything about that you fucking business major do you? you just go here for cheap so you can get out and make a ton of money...ass) and when we get out? (ha! more like if we get out) where do you go from there? probably off to make a life for yourself that has nothing to do with your major because...oops you didnt learn anything in your major! and everything else you learned in the gen ed program is now mush in your brain because it really means nothing in the end! and you have a half assed art education...i should start picking out my box (house) now! moral of the story? if you are an art major make sure your dumb ass is rich so you dont end up at isu! because you will come out being even poorer than before! plus you wont learn a damn thing

so thats my stupid rant for the day, and im sorry about not as angry as i seem, and in some ways i am 10x more upset than i seem! i think i just need a break, and then i will feel better, i think i am just in a slump, i am not doing well in school and i am even in some sort of slump artistically...i got through my Photography III critique, but i was more nervous than i have been in a long time, and then come to find out i had one of the most positive feedback in the class, but thats the only positive part about photography is what i love, and i am willing to work until i have no more skin on my hands to perfect it (the chemicals i work will make my skin peel) but i just want the chance!

last reason that i hate ISU...
i wish that they would give us lighting equipment that is safe to use and that is not outdated like that shit that we have now! if we get it i can be among the 10 that are in the topics in advanced photography section...but just because i am not in the honors program i didnt get to sign up early, so the 6 spots were filled, so i e-mail the professor and he wants me in the section but it all depends on if we can get new (safe) lighting equipment from the school (if we do then 4 more students will be let in)...but instead we get new flat screen TVs put up in the the dining centers that already have TVs, and the photo kids have to have a print sale to try and raise money ourselves for the shit that should be provided for our education...its nice to know that you are at the bottom of the priority list...FUISU!

but really, im not the bitter poo pants that you all think i am! the fact that i have my cool family and friends is the only thing that is keeping me from shooting my face off. i cant wait until break (two more tests and a paper is all i have to get through) and then i will be 100% happy! (until i have to go back to POOPOO U)


I still have to do quite a bit of christmas shopping! and i have to make some gifts too...ahh! i think i am going to do my best to be as social as i can over break! as you all know i am one to sit at home and not call any one, but i am going to try people! i love hanging out at home, my brother, my sister and my grown ups (mom dad and sanny) are always super fun, but that does not mean that i dont love my out of family peeps! YOU GUYS MAKE ME FEEL GOOOOOOOD TOO! so i will try to be more social and cool, and i hope you me too! because just because i dont call you does not mean that i dont want to hang out! it just means that i am a wuss! and then i get all sad because i feel all excluded... eh... maybe i deserve it. ah hh! i need break to be here NOW i need it i need it i neeeeeed it! ahhhh'aprj'pajrwyapoeryro;eyhieorihy oeirh oesklrhn ;skrthnse;tlkhr njse;tlkhrn jstehlkjgh ;akjgh ;akhg;alkehg;lkasdf ghlkrlekrjhylerkyjlrekjylrekjylkrejhnslknbkvzjdg/zkjhshgn/sagnb/ak ga/...*catching my breath*a;oihg'oa wihrg;oaierh aiu/rhniu;re hb;reuh burbh ;ksj hnvkdfsj gh;dsfhgs'oil/kjnlk/bx lkxclkjb lkxzj (that was me freaking out because of how excited for break i am)

ok well i am going to get going now! but first we have...the photographer and photography of the daaaaaaaaaaaay!

Ahh! i love that fashion book that i got from the library! there are so many cool images in it! i was trying to think of someone who be the photographer of the day, but then i was like...marion! we should pick one togetrher! but then i was! i should have you pick one! so marion picked a few, and then among the ones that she liked, she liked this photograph by Tony Viramontes!

I dont know much about Viramontes, but we have found that he was the photographer of Janet Jacksons Control album and he is also a painter! so the fact that he is a painter, a photographer for janet jackson and made some kick ass fashion photographs is enough information for me to make him the photographer of the day! yay!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"You can get it...

...if you really want"-Jimmy Cliff

Did i tell you all about the movie The Harder They Come? well, if not i am telling you now! we watched it a few weeks ago in my Cultures of the World Class, and i loved it! Marion and i watched it the other night because aunt sanny got the movie for me! i love the movies soundtrack! and it came with the dvd! (but i had already downloaded it from the internet!) but i think you shohld go and get the movie, or at least download the soundtrack! because its awesome! here is some information on the movie (click here) there are a few story lines that were not resolved in the movie, but i still loved it! so watch the movie damn it! because i think you will like it! Marion liked it! she liked it so much that she is about someothing to jamaca! and come back with some kick ass dreds! so anyway! be like marion! and take my word for it! its pretty good!

Erik:I think you would like the movie...but at the some time i dont think that you would like the fact that some of the parts in the plot are not very clear/ dont have a solution ect. but i think that there are parts that you may like!

Marion: i liked when you were all giggly during the part when that guy was taking a hit from that big ol bong!

oh my goodness! andre 3000 is going to have his own cartoon on the cartoon network! its going to be called Class of 3000! oh my god!...go here and take a look at some stuff about it! (including a clip!)

ok the photographer of the day is gong to be Satoshi Saikusa, i dont know much about him, but i have a book from the library on fashion photography! the book is full of pictures by different photographers but edited by a laday called sara-jane hoare. there is a particular image in this book that i love and so i looked up the phtographer! (to see more work go here)

Sunday, November 05, 2006
"oh no! who let Teryn have...

...Caffeine?"-Nancy Fewkes

I was in Chicago yesterday! I went with my Photography III class. on the way up there, we stopped at a gas station, and i had to take my narcolepsy medicine, so i went in and got a bottle of water. the water looked like it was in an off-brand bottle, and it ended up being under $2. so i got in the van and my friend Adam and Kelly were like "water joe? they still make that stuff?" i didnt know what to say because i was thinking "umm...its just water" but then Adam pointed out that there was caffeine in it! grrr! and then i went on about how i hate things with caffeine in it (it gives me a headache and just makes me feel icky) Nancy (my photo teacher) asked me if i consume much caffeine and i said no, and that i dont drink coffee, soda, or anything else with loads of caffeine in it! so she was making fun of me saying that we all should watch out because i am not use to the caffeine and that i was going to be bouncing all over the place, it was so funny!
when we got to chicago i felt like i had a ten gallon jug of water joe in my system and lots of sugar! because i was so excited! i dont think any of you have any idea how much i love chicago! and the fact that we were going to go to the art institute of chicago was making me even more hyper! when we got inside we went to the photography section, and i about lost my mind! yeah thats right! lost my mind! after that i met up with erik for lunch (after we walked around looking for each other...i still feel bad about that). we ate at a thai restaurant called my thai and it was pretty yummmmmy! there we had lots of good food and fun talks! *wink* after that erik came along with me to MOCP (museum Of Contemporary Photography) where he got a chance to meet nancy, liz and kelly. while we were there we got to take a look at work that was pulled from the collection just for us (nancy requested this for us so we could get a feel as to what artists with the same sort of ideas as some of us in the class are thinking and what their techniques and ideas are) after that it was time to go, and as predicted...I DIDNT WANT TO GO HOME SO SOON! so i said by to the lovely erik, and we were off to the van on our way back to B/N! however! when i got back i got to open my birthday gifts! i got a lot of awesome stuff! like tea, speakers for my mp3 player, a BEAUTIFUL tea set, some movies, lots of clothes (yus) and a few other things! oh man! i love my family... not because of the gifts of course, but because of how fun we all are! weeee! it was a good day! yup yup! and today i didnt do anything, but i think that i am going to get in the shower right now, and then i am going to get my stuff together, i hope mom and aunt sanny can get back here in town soon (they drove tyler back to school) because it is 4:00 now and i would like to get to the photo lab around 6:00 or so...and if not i think i will really take a look at the stuff that i have to print so i can get that done tomorrow or whatever! oh damn i dont have any photo paper! ahhh! and i need to get more film too...humm, ok, i am going to go take care of that stuff right now, so i am going to go go go! but first we have the photographer and photographs of the day from that photographer!

Ben Gest is a photographer whos work nancy had pulled for me to see at MOCP. he uses many different negatives to show how people use the same spaces differently and makes it into a composition that is made up of more than one person but in reality they are the only ones in the room. to look at these you can see that there is some sort of distance between the figures in the images, they share a common space but different times! close proximity without intimacy they are in the same photograph but they are not on the same page (yeah that was dorky) so here is a look at a few of his prints.

Friday, November 03, 2006
"yeah take that!... dumb ass test!"-me

so that test that i missed the review session for was today! and yeah, i slapped that test in the face! i better get an A on it! because i am doing pretty poorly in that class! man do i have a lot of stuff to do before the semester is over! ah! i dont even want to think about it! for now, i am not going to! i am going to go to bed now because it is late (12:30am) and i have to be up at like 5:30am because i am going to be in Chicago for school! and i get to see Erik for a grand total of about 90 minutes! but its better than zero!

oh the photographer of the day is gordon parks! he is Gordon Parks i will have more on him in a bit, but for now i am really sleepy and i am up late! and i bet marion is like "WTF!?!? go to sleep teryn!"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

...i missed my review session"-me

i feel so stupid! as if i am never going to get anything right!! ahhhh! i think i am just stressing myself out for no reason! because i am not doing all of the things that i should be doing! but i am just stressing my brian out for all the wrong reasons...umm ok i think this is just a rant post! not very exciting!

good things from today

i got a new issue of vogue

my teacher loved my print that i gave her for our class narrative project

marion told me the story of the virgin mary statue

philtron stopped by just to say hey

clifton told me the story of why he drew a barf bag on the front of my birthday cd

i moved to a different spot in my cultures of the world class because the people that started to sit around were i was sitting were really annoying! so i could only take about two weeks of that crap before i realized that they are not going to move, so i dont sit in the same section anymore!

we watched an amazing film today in photo III! it is called Shermans March, and it was so funny! i dont think many people would like it, but i did! it is a documentary by Ross McElwee (read the info on it if you want to know what it is about)

i had to find some campaign ads for class today, and i ran across some pretty funny ones (as well as some funny fake ones)

Jerry Springer (1980) for Governor of Ohio (and for paying the hookers)
Allan Lictman Ad for US Senate in Maryland
Allan Lictman gets arrested? WTF? (part 1) (part 2)
Allan Lictmans ad after the arrest
(Fake) Ad campaign for Trent Drennon (attacking Lester Gaskins)
Random Campaign ad for a high school kid! tee hee

i dont care if you dont think these are funny

ok the photographer of the day was already picked! and it is not yet past midnight so i am going to go ahead and stop this post now because i should be doing some homework or something before i get sleepy! ok so goodnight!

"it would look like you were wearing...

...a science project around your neck!"- Brittney

and no we were not talking about awesome halloween costumes (i have no halloween stories because i did nothing for halloween! grrrr) we were at target looking at jewlery! i looked down and saw a necklace that was made of one of those rocks that are really pretty colors when you split them open, and then people will polish them up! so then i said that i thought it was cute, but it was on a short chain and so i was like "i wish it was longer" Brittney thought that i was crazy! she was like "why do you want that rock to be longer!??! its alreayd so huge!" and im like "nooo! the chain should be loger!" and then she said "oh ok! i agree! man if you had a rock any bigger than that it would look like you were wearing a science project around your neck!" i found that to be quite funny! i laughed...a really loud laugh!

tonight i think that i am going to go to the poetry slam! i am going to go with brittney and hopefully marion will want to come! and i also going to see if kat wants to join us because kat is amazing and i need to hang out with her agian! *I LOVE KAT! WEEEE!* but first i have to get through the day! and i have so much crap to do between now and the poetry slam! i have to work on a work sheet for my government class that is due today, and i have to go to photo class at noon (i have to have the paper done before photo because photo ends at 3 and the gov class is at 3) and then i have my cultures of the world class to go to, but i am excited because i like the stuff we are learning, and then i have to go try and find this book that we have to read for history of africa, and i need to do a bunch of other little things for different classes! ahhh i hate it! grrr and i know that i am forgetting some of the other stuff that i have to do! and that makes me mad mad mad! i really do just want this semester to end! all i ask is that i pass each class...i dont need anything special this semster! just give me my credits bitches!

oookay! now! Dawoud Bey is the photographer of the day! i am supposed to interview him for my photo III class but i cant get a hold of him yet! grr! he seems to be a pretty cool guy! he would photograph in ways that would challange the modern steriotypes that people have about blacks and other minorities. he would photograph in many different ways to express his ideas through photogrpahy! he is now a teacher at good ooool columbia college...yup! this phtograph is called: Sharmaine, Vincent, Joiseph, Andre, and charlie, and it was taken in 1993. I love the fact that it is a triptych and does not confine its self to the edges of each photograph, it sort of reminds me of some of the stuff that i have been/have been thinking about working on! if you want to get more info on Dawoud Be go to the MOCP (Museum of Contemporary Photography) web page for info and other links to click on! (as well as a ton of other phogoraphers!!!)

sorry this blog post sucks, i just really have to work on some stuff for other classes, and so i have no time to go back through and fix typos and such...sorry! talk to you all later! i love youuu!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

..."-this weekend

Thats right! i have never had more of an unproductive weekend, and that is not a good thing because i have stuff to do! so i am going to do homework and all that after this blog post! so friday i come back from class and clean up for our guest that never came *cough chirssy cough* i am not going to get into that whole thing because i really dont understand it myself, but what i do understand is annoying me. but it was still nice to clean and i do still hope that i get to see chrissy this weekend! i mean damn!...
last night marion went out with chissy at like...4:00 or something like that, and so i sat...and then put my pjs back on....and then sat and did schedule stuff but still didnt do what i needed to...i wanted to go to a halloween party yesterday and i had a really fun idea for costumes! i thought that i would be cool to go with marion and chrissy and we could all go to bromen and get costumes but marion stayed out still like...later than i thought they would (i was mislead when marion said that THEY would come back to hang out...but dont worry im not mad or anything...just kinda sad) so now it is morning, and marion and i had made plans to go get breakfast last night before we went to sleep but i guess marion forgot because chirssy just called to go to breakfast with marion, i am not sure if i am invited or not, and i am not going to be a dumb ass and invite myself, plus i have stuff to work on anyway so i guess it would be better if i sat and actually did stuff today! maybe if im lucky marion AND chrissy will come back and it wont be dark out! i mean sure i am not as close with chrissy as marion...but i heart her too! but if she is going to talk about...that boy the whole time...i dont know, grr i like cool chrissy not chrissy and Vtalik (Vtassy or Chrislik...i will come up with a better name mix later i dont feel like over thinking it right now)
Most mornings i cant even get marion up to go get breakfast with me, and today it took nothing, maybe i should call marion from inside the room next time we make breakfast plans, because that is the first time marion has been woken up for breakfast and actually got right up!...maybe its not the method...its just the person, and yeah i am a bit sad about that...not gonna lie! but i didnt say anything because i didnt want to be a bitch. but its cool, i can get some homework crap done...see! being uncool has its up side!
ok back to last night (see! i told you that this whole situation makes be rant on and on! so now i am going to get back on track) last night i was pretty bored, so i filled the section of wall above my head with prints of mine! it looks a bit shabby but i still like it! I called erik but he didnt answer, i tried to get a hold of a few other friends that go to school here but i could not sign on to aim (i dont have all of my isu friends phone numbers) and my u-high friends who are here in town were out as well! Alex called me the other night because he was going to be in town this weekend at the dude ranch (aka a house that four of alex buddies live in) for a halloween party, so i called him to see if he wanted to hang out, but when i called he said that he was going to stay at u of i because he wanted to go to a party up there! but i at least talk to him on the phone for a while. he was getting ready for the party but they were not going to leave for a while, so he stayed on the phone with me for a while trying to help me find things to do. but we could not come up with a whole lot...but it was still cool to talk! The only thing that we could think of that could have been fun was his sisters halloween party! she had a party last night and alex said that she would not mind if i came (sara and i are pretty tight! weeeee!) but i was not about to crash a high school halloween party! that would have been tacky! (to just bust in uninvited!) hee hee, yeah sara is super cute, and i still think that she had (has) a mini crush on erik! we would talk about him all the time when we hung out! hee hee. but yeah i cant blame her...Erik is pretty damn Beautiful!
Ok! it is now time for the photographer and photograph of the day! I was looking in my InStyle Magazine yesterday, and ran across an article on Donna Karan (we all know DKNY right?) and i realized that the photographs that illustrated the write up were pretty awesome! and a bit like the pictures that i love to take, and i thought about it, and realized that being this type of freelance photographer would be amazing! so i looked at the front of the article to find that the photographers name is Julian Broad so i looked up his work to find that he has some pretty amazing work! he shoots pictures for magazines and advertisement, but also does personal works! sorry the photographs are so small

