Sunday, November 05, 2006
"oh no! who let Teryn have...

...Caffeine?"-Nancy Fewkes

I was in Chicago yesterday! I went with my Photography III class. on the way up there, we stopped at a gas station, and i had to take my narcolepsy medicine, so i went in and got a bottle of water. the water looked like it was in an off-brand bottle, and it ended up being under $2. so i got in the van and my friend Adam and Kelly were like "water joe? they still make that stuff?" i didnt know what to say because i was thinking "umm...its just water" but then Adam pointed out that there was caffeine in it! grrr! and then i went on about how i hate things with caffeine in it (it gives me a headache and just makes me feel icky) Nancy (my photo teacher) asked me if i consume much caffeine and i said no, and that i dont drink coffee, soda, or anything else with loads of caffeine in it! so she was making fun of me saying that we all should watch out because i am not use to the caffeine and that i was going to be bouncing all over the place, it was so funny!
when we got to chicago i felt like i had a ten gallon jug of water joe in my system and lots of sugar! because i was so excited! i dont think any of you have any idea how much i love chicago! and the fact that we were going to go to the art institute of chicago was making me even more hyper! when we got inside we went to the photography section, and i about lost my mind! yeah thats right! lost my mind! after that i met up with erik for lunch (after we walked around looking for each other...i still feel bad about that). we ate at a thai restaurant called my thai and it was pretty yummmmmy! there we had lots of good food and fun talks! *wink* after that erik came along with me to MOCP (museum Of Contemporary Photography) where he got a chance to meet nancy, liz and kelly. while we were there we got to take a look at work that was pulled from the collection just for us (nancy requested this for us so we could get a feel as to what artists with the same sort of ideas as some of us in the class are thinking and what their techniques and ideas are) after that it was time to go, and as predicted...I DIDNT WANT TO GO HOME SO SOON! so i said by to the lovely erik, and we were off to the van on our way back to B/N! however! when i got back i got to open my birthday gifts! i got a lot of awesome stuff! like tea, speakers for my mp3 player, a BEAUTIFUL tea set, some movies, lots of clothes (yus) and a few other things! oh man! i love my family... not because of the gifts of course, but because of how fun we all are! weeee! it was a good day! yup yup! and today i didnt do anything, but i think that i am going to get in the shower right now, and then i am going to get my stuff together, i hope mom and aunt sanny can get back here in town soon (they drove tyler back to school) because it is 4:00 now and i would like to get to the photo lab around 6:00 or so...and if not i think i will really take a look at the stuff that i have to print so i can get that done tomorrow or whatever! oh damn i dont have any photo paper! ahhh! and i need to get more film too...humm, ok, i am going to go take care of that stuff right now, so i am going to go go go! but first we have the photographer and photographs of the day from that photographer!

Ben Gest is a photographer whos work nancy had pulled for me to see at MOCP. he uses many different negatives to show how people use the same spaces differently and makes it into a composition that is made up of more than one person but in reality they are the only ones in the room. to look at these you can see that there is some sort of distance between the figures in the images, they share a common space but different times! close proximity without intimacy they are in the same photograph but they are not on the same page (yeah that was dorky) so here is a look at a few of his prints.

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