Saturday, December 09, 2006
"Im sorry for wanting to be..." - Me

yes thats right! this was a shitty semester and there is no one to blame but the rivalry between myself and ISU. I want to be an artist and ISU wants me to be a multitasking number. i go to classes that i dont give a shit about because the general education program thinks that its worker ants need to spend their college carreers putting 75% of their time and effort into a gen ed program (much like the way a high school system is set up) and around 25% to what you love, and thats impossible when you are an art major because of studio time (yeah you dont know anything about that you fucking business major do you? you just go here for cheap so you can get out and make a ton of money...ass) and when we get out? (ha! more like if we get out) where do you go from there? probably off to make a life for yourself that has nothing to do with your major because...oops you didnt learn anything in your major! and everything else you learned in the gen ed program is now mush in your brain because it really means nothing in the end! and you have a half assed art education...i should start picking out my box (house) now! moral of the story? if you are an art major make sure your dumb ass is rich so you dont end up at isu! because you will come out being even poorer than before! plus you wont learn a damn thing

so thats my stupid rant for the day, and im sorry about not as angry as i seem, and in some ways i am 10x more upset than i seem! i think i just need a break, and then i will feel better, i think i am just in a slump, i am not doing well in school and i am even in some sort of slump artistically...i got through my Photography III critique, but i was more nervous than i have been in a long time, and then come to find out i had one of the most positive feedback in the class, but thats the only positive part about photography is what i love, and i am willing to work until i have no more skin on my hands to perfect it (the chemicals i work will make my skin peel) but i just want the chance!

last reason that i hate ISU...
i wish that they would give us lighting equipment that is safe to use and that is not outdated like that shit that we have now! if we get it i can be among the 10 that are in the topics in advanced photography section...but just because i am not in the honors program i didnt get to sign up early, so the 6 spots were filled, so i e-mail the professor and he wants me in the section but it all depends on if we can get new (safe) lighting equipment from the school (if we do then 4 more students will be let in)...but instead we get new flat screen TVs put up in the the dining centers that already have TVs, and the photo kids have to have a print sale to try and raise money ourselves for the shit that should be provided for our education...its nice to know that you are at the bottom of the priority list...FUISU!

but really, im not the bitter poo pants that you all think i am! the fact that i have my cool family and friends is the only thing that is keeping me from shooting my face off. i cant wait until break (two more tests and a paper is all i have to get through) and then i will be 100% happy! (until i have to go back to POOPOO U)


I still have to do quite a bit of christmas shopping! and i have to make some gifts too...ahh! i think i am going to do my best to be as social as i can over break! as you all know i am one to sit at home and not call any one, but i am going to try people! i love hanging out at home, my brother, my sister and my grown ups (mom dad and sanny) are always super fun, but that does not mean that i dont love my out of family peeps! YOU GUYS MAKE ME FEEL GOOOOOOOD TOO! so i will try to be more social and cool, and i hope you me too! because just because i dont call you does not mean that i dont want to hang out! it just means that i am a wuss! and then i get all sad because i feel all excluded... eh... maybe i deserve it. ah hh! i need break to be here NOW i need it i need it i neeeeeed it! ahhhh'aprj'pajrwyapoeryro;eyhieorihy oeirh oesklrhn ;skrthnse;tlkhr njse;tlkhrn jstehlkjgh ;akjgh ;akhg;alkehg;lkasdf ghlkrlekrjhylerkyjlrekjylrekjylkrejhnslknbkvzjdg/zkjhshgn/sagnb/ak ga/...*catching my breath*a;oihg'oa wihrg;oaierh aiu/rhniu;re hb;reuh burbh ;ksj hnvkdfsj gh;dsfhgs'oil/kjnlk/bx lkxclkjb lkxzj (that was me freaking out because of how excited for break i am)

ok well i am going to get going now! but first we have...the photographer and photography of the daaaaaaaaaaaay!

Ahh! i love that fashion book that i got from the library! there are so many cool images in it! i was trying to think of someone who be the photographer of the day, but then i was like...marion! we should pick one togetrher! but then i was! i should have you pick one! so marion picked a few, and then among the ones that she liked, she liked this photograph by Tony Viramontes!

I dont know much about Viramontes, but we have found that he was the photographer of Janet Jacksons Control album and he is also a painter! so the fact that he is a painter, a photographer for janet jackson and made some kick ass fashion photographs is enough information for me to make him the photographer of the day! yay!

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